Brno Underground
Come with me to explore 3 undergrounds in Brno.
- Labyrinth underneath Zelný trh (Vegetable Market)
- Ossuary underneath the Church of St. James
- Mint Master’s Cellar
More info: https://ticbrno.cz/en/underground
The Capuchin Monastery and The Crypt
Wonderful tour of The Capuchin monastery with The Church Of Finding The Saint Cross and The Capuchin Crypt. Part of the alter includes famous painting by German painter Joachim von Sandrart from 1655 showing the founding of the Cross. That is where the church got its name. Normally you can only look through the bars inside of this church. I was privileged to look inside and made a video. I was honored to have monk Cyril to show us around and also to see part of the monastery where currently 4 Capuchin monks live.
More info: http://hrobka.kapucini.cz/subdom/hrobka/index.php/en/
Brno Old Town Hall, Cabbage Market And Petrov
In this video documentary you will hear some legends surrounding Old Town Hall in downtown Brno. You will also see famous Cabbage Market (Zelny trh) and Petrov Cathedral.
Old Town Hall info: https://ticbrno.cz/en/old-town-hall
Petrov Cathedral info: http://www.katedrala-petrov.cz/index.php/cz/
Špilberk Castle – Part 1
In this Part 1 you will see famous Špilberk casemates. You will hear lots of interesting history / legends and see how Swedish tried to get into the castle to overtake whole Brno.
Špilberk Castle info: https://www.spilberk.cz/en/
Špilberk Castle – Part 2
In this Part 2 you will see mom and I climbing the tower overlooking whole Brno with incredible views. You will also see some interesting bells. Watch out for my mom as she gets very spooked. 😀 I will also show you parts of museum exhibition. You will also see what was discovered in the deepest well in the Czech Republic.
Špilberk Castle info: https://www.spilberk.cz/en/
Veveří Castle
Close to Brno dam is a beautiful castle Veveří. You can take a boat ride to get there, which makes for a wonderful trip. 🙂
Info: https://www.hrad-veveri.cz/en
Christmas Markets
Right in the downtown there are four Christmas markets. In this video I am showing you each market and what it has to offer. 🙂 You can also take a Christmas tram and go around downtown. If you are looking for something to do right in the center there is an ice skating ring, where you can ice skate and enjoy beautiful views, hot drinks and food.
Easter Markets
Come with me to explore two Easter markets and see lots of amazing products. You will also hear some traditional folk music. 🙂