Prep: 15 min.
Bake: at 350F for 45 min.
Total: 1 hr.
4 eggs
2 cups all purpose flour
1 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup oil
2 tsp baking powder
1 cup milk
fruits of your choice
1/2 cup all purpose flour
1/3 cup powdered sugar
3 Tbsp unsalted butter
I love your videos, they are literally awesome! I’ve already tried to make some of recipes and I have to say they are very tasty, especially svickova. Uz se tesim, az vyzkousim udelat ovocny tac. Jinak video s maminkou bylo perfektni, velmi jsem se nasmala:-)) Jsem vdecna za tuhle stranku, moc mi pomaha, kdyz si chci zavzpominat na CR.
Thank you Pavlina for your sweet comment. I am so happy to hear how it helps you to remember Czech. Comments like this makes me happy to keep doing what I am doing. 🙂
This is THE recipe I remember my mother making. Thank you for posting!! This collection of recipe’s is SO amazing! 🙂 🙂
I am glad you enjoy my recipes. 🙂
Jiri, our student, had to make a Czech dish for his german class.
I showed him your ovocny tac video and he said
1) She sounds like a Czech speaking English….I sound more American right?
(I didn’t tell him, no, you should wish your English was as good)
2) Pernik is what he wanted to make. We then learned about the difficulties of translating Czech recipes to English (prasek do perniku), and the different kinds of pernik, pernicky.
Maybe you will do a presentation on it, I found it interesting that there are so many variations on Pernik out there, and there is more history to it that I don’t know.
🙂 Yes for making pernik I would always bring special package of spices for gingerbread from Czech (prasek do perniku). Everybody loves it when I make it. I do have to create a recipe that doesn’t use this special package from Czech. It might not be easy, but I will try to make it eventually. Pernik (gingerbread) has a long history.
So what did Jiri ended up making?
The first pernik was not good, prasek do perniku in google translate just came out as ginger, so we put in a whole bunch of ginger and nothing else. I realized what we did wrong and got up early and remade it with half his recipe, half an American version. He woke up very happy to have something edible to take to class, and we ended up eating both the good and the not so good.
The pernik we made, that he said was pretty close to what his mom makes, was closer to spice cake than gingerbread. He said the pretty cookies in most recipes were better for looking at than eating.
It was a good lesson that you don’t always get it right on the first try.
You take such a good care of Jiri. Very nice of you. Yes I don’t think there is any ginger in prasek do perniku. Even though we call it gingerbread, you are right it is more like spice cake. I am glad it turned out good at the end. 🙂
I am originally from Czech and I was there trained as chef. I live in Australia last 3 years. Sometimes I miss some Czech meals but some are hard to make here. I tried to make pernik while ago and best results I got with both mentioned ingredients. Spice cake (I got here “spice mix” I think it is what you were talking about) and ground ginger. More specifically 2 tsp of spice : 1 tsp of ginger. Try it.
Thank you Jiri. 🙂
Did you bake it on 350°F or °C? I can’t wait to try it, I am planning to bake it next week for my visitors, also…can I use almond milk instead of regular milk? Thank you for your recipes…je to skvělý pocit si tady v USA upéct něco domácího! 😉 Jsem moc vděčná za tvoje stránky! Zdravím z Michiganu! xoxo
Hi Jana, I am glad you enjoy my website. 🙂 Greetings to Michigan. 😉 All my recipes are in Fahrenheit. So yes it is 350F. 🙂 I think almond milk shouldn’t be a problem. I would try it. 🙂
It was delicious with almond milk and everyone liked it! Thank you again for your time to make this wonderful website! 🙂
Great! I am glad it turned out good. I might also try it with almond milk next time. Thank you for letting me know. 🙂 I am glad you enjoy my website. 🙂
Muzete prosim tam dat recept na svickovou! A taky rad bych videl recept smazeneho syru, moc mi to chybi. Dekuju mockrat za to, ze jste tam davali toto vyborne jidlo! Kez bych mohl udelavat vse!
Tady je recept na svickovou: Smazeny syr jeste nemam, ale urcite v budoucnu bude. 🙂
Ahoj Kristynko,
chtela bych ti moc podekovat za vsechny recepty a za tenhle uzasny napad stvorit stranku jako je tahle. Jsem provdana v USA a zijeme v New Yorku. Kdyz jsem uvidela tvoji stranku skoro jsem se rozbrecela stestim. Zrovna jim kure na paprice a jdu pect babovku. Nemas predstavu jak moc te obdivuji a jak jsem stastna ze jsem te nasla. Kazdy vecer si projizdim tva videa a premyslim co budu varit az je to otrvane pro manzela, ktery se mi uz smeje 😀 Cela nase rodina te zna a poustim tve recepty vsem pratelum co v usa mam.
Opravdu ti moc dekuju a preju jen to nejlepsi do zivota. Hlavne nove recepty-neco moravskeho :)))))
S laskou Katerina
Jee Katerinko, ty si mi udelala velkou radost s tak krasnym komentarem! 🙂 Moc si toho vazim! Na receptikach neustale pracuji. Jen to kolikrat trva, aby to bylo dokonaly. 🙂 Takovy uzasny komentar me povzbuzuje a za tu vsechnu praci a straveny cas nad receptama to pak urcite stoji. 🙂
Ahoj! I am only Cesky by heritage. Moje ptak was Bohemian; melo velky family z bohemia, czech. I’m trying to do family tree. Dekuji for cesky cook kniha videos s your matka. Ja chci to try some cooking sama(myself). keep doing it online. My dad’s sisters always made Houska for Sunday breakfast and have the receipe. feel free to email me.
Thank you Mary! I hope you enjoy all of my recipes. I do make houska – Vanočka for Christmas. It is so yummy!
Vinikajici video! Moc jsem si ho uzila a dekuji za vasi pracu! Ja jsem v Kanade a casto se me kamaradky ptaji na ceske recepty takze jsu moc rada ze jsem vasu website nasla. Ja mam par receptu ktere jwsem prelozila kdy jste se na ne chtela kouknout. Opet super video a dekuju!!!
Dekuji. Jsem rada, ze se video libilo. 🙂
Do you have a recipe for koblihy
I am still working on it to perfect it. 🙂