Easter Bread – Mazanec


Makes: 2 smaller ones
Prep+Mixing: 30 min.
First rise: 1 1/2 hours
Second rise: 1 1/2 hours
Bake: at 350F around 35 min.
for 1 large loaf bake at 340F for about 45 min.
Total: around 4 hours

3/4 cup (180 ml) milk
3/4 cup (150 g) granulated sugar
3 tsp yeast
4 cups (560 g) all purpose flour
1/4 tsp salt
lemon for zest
1 stick (1/2 cup) (113 g) unsalted butter
1 egg
3 egg yolks
1/2 cup (80 g) raisins

1 egg yolk
sliced almonds

  1. Moc dobrý. Na druhé kynutí jsem těsto jen 3 krat preložil, udělal kouli a na plech kde jsem prostředek promacknul hloub než okraje. Žloutek, mandle 35 minute kynout a do trouby…nepukly a jsou vynikající.

    1. To je úžasný! Tak to mám radost!

  2. Moc dobry. Nejlepsi ze vsech co jsme pekla.

    1. Jee, tak to mám radost!

  3. Můj první mazanec, teda dva, se povedly na jedničku – musím se pochválit Nepraskly mi a chutnají naprosto úžasně! Děkuji že jste se s námi podělila o recept, díky Vám se mi další dobrůtka povedla! Díky, díky, díky! ❤

    1. Tak to nám radost! Trvalo mi několik let vytvořit recept se kterým jsem spokojena. Tak to potom potěší, ze to za tu všechnu práci stalo. ❤️

  4. Hi Kristýna,
    I know elsewhere on this site, you said you have converted the recipes to US measures, but I live in the UK and would love to have the metric measures (grams etc) for this recipe if that is at all possible.

    Also, could I use beard flour in this recipe, instead of All Purpose?

    Kind Regards,
    Dave Thompson

    1. Hi Dave, I am creating my recipes using US measurements. I do have a conversion chart, which you can use. 🙂 http://www.czechcookbook.com/conversion-chart/ I think bread flour shouldn’t be a problem. I just never use it so I don’t have experiences with it. All I know it has more gluten. Wishing you success!

      1. Hi Kristýna
        many thanks for your help, that’s great. This recipe looks delicious, so I will give it a go, and let you know how I get on.
        Thanks again, and regards

        1. Wishing you success! 🙂

          1. Thank you for sharing. I need to compare it to an old family recipe.

  5. Drahá Kristýno,

    že já si na Vás vzpomněla až po dvou neúspěšných pokusech!!
    Na třetí pokus – podle Vašeho videa a instrukcí – se mi ovšem podařily dva krásné zlatavé mazance.
    Díky a držím palce.
    Krásné velikonoce,


    1. Super! 🙂 Dekuji, Vesele Velikonoce! 🙂

  6. Bread flour will definitely work, however, for a sweet bread, a.p. flour will give a lighter texture to the bread. Also, keep the dough a little sticky, using only enough “bench flour” to manage shaping the dough.

  7. Thank you, Kristýna, for this recipe and for all your wonderful tutorials. I am fifth generation Czech-American, and made Easter bread for the first time this weekend as a way to share my Czech heritage with my in-laws and maybe start a new tradition for my family. It was delicious and everyone enjoyed it.

    1. That makes me so happy to hear you are thinking of starting new tradition of making Mazanec. 🙂 Glad you all enjoyed it. 🙂

  8. Hey there! I’ve Ьeen fοllowing your blog for ɑ
    long tіme now and finally got the bravery to go ahead аnd ցive you a
    shout out frοm Houston Tx! Jᥙst wanteԀ t᧐ tell you
    ҝeep սp tһe fantastic woгk!

    1. Thank you! I appreciate it! 🙂 Greetings to Houston. 🙂

  9. Are the written instructions available?

    1. I only have video recipe and list of ingredients.

  10. I see the ingredients but no directions. Where can I find them without watching the video? Thank you!

    1. It is only in the video. I don’t have them written down.

  11. Hey again! I hope you and yours are staying safe! I have loved your recipes and will make this for Easter however, I do not have an electric dough mixer. I do have a danish dough whisk. Do you have any suggestions for how to knead/work the dough by hand? I am not sure if I should work it like I would a regular dough or not. Thanks for the help!


    1. I made it recently and here in CZ I also don’t have electric mixer. I just knead it by hands. Work great as well.

  12. Does this dough work to be shaped into a braided cross?

    1. I don’t see a problem with it.

  13. I tried for the first time last Easter, currently baking with some delay, had to work over the weekend but it will be delicious tomorrow morning!

  14. Dobrý den Kristýno,
    I am an American now living in Česka Republika (South Bohemia). We have a convection oven. Is there special treatment for baking this bread in a convection oven? Some of my recipes require 5 degrees C hotter or 10 minutes longer.

    Also, when I moved I wasn’t able to bring my cookbook (I had to conserve weight). I noticed that your cookbook is no longer available on Amazon. Is there another place in ČR I can go to buy your cookbook?

    Děkuji vám,

    1. Dobrý den Howie,
      Yes my book is available in CZ https://www.megaknihy.cz/ceska-kuchyne/383071-czech-cookbook.html?block=edition&position=2
      Bake it on program top and bottom. Temperature can be the same, but watch the time.

  15. How do I purchase this book book please ?

  16. Why do you use unsalted butter and then add salt in your recipe? Can you use salted butter?

    1. In CZ we don’t have salted butter and use only unsalted. Adding salt to dry ingredients works different than adding salty butter. I wouldn’t recommend it.

  17. Ahoj Kristynko, až ted jsem se dostala k tomuto receptu a povedlo se. Vzhled I chutná výborně. Chválim všechna tvá videa zároveň.


    1. Jee děkuji. ☺️ To mám radost.

  18. Kristyna- a big thank you from Kanada 🙂 Your recipes help keep our Czech traditions alive! We love them all! Veselé Velikonoce!

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